Floramor launches its sustainability charter
Deeds not words (and honey) …
FlorAmor’s sustainability charter is a reality. FlorAmor had been making efforts in the field of sustainability for some time but now, in collaboration with it’s breeding partner Hortibreed, the company is raising the bar even higher. And because words on paper say little, they are having their charter launched at the IPM in Essen.
Sustainability charter in three pillars
But first the words. FlorAmor’s sustainability charter is based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. They summarise the main goals in three pillars: reduce footprint, wellbeing and the third pillar: efficient infrastructure & operations.
Curious about what these mean in concrete terms? Find out here
100% natural honey made in Lochristi
During the international garden fair IPM in Essen, FlorAmor presents its charter to the general public. They flavour this event with honey from their own production. Harvested locally in the backyard of the FlorAmor site. For several years, the plot edges of this site have been sown with wildflowers and a local beekeeper places hives there. This year was a top summer with a harvest of no less than 200 kg of honey.
Every visitor to the FlorAmor stand receives a jar of Lochristi honey to take home as a reward.
Want a taste? Then visit our stand hall 2 2D26 at the IPM fair in Essen between 24 and 27 January 2023